- 0151 653 3338

Types of Training & Delivery

Accredited, Non-Accredited, Certificated & Customised Training.


Mentoring is a supportive and inspirational relationship based on trust and mutual respect and benefits accrue to both participants

In association with Excellence Mentors, we provide superb mentors in a variety of Excellence areas.

We have been providing mentoring to our clients both large and small for 20 years and many find this an excellent method to tackle challenges.
Mentoring can be on a one to one basis with an employee, manager, exec or in groups called peer mentoring. 

Mentoring is one of our standard chargeable services and proves to be extremely popular on larger programmes where certain individuals do not have the spare time to dedicated to training days or might even be appropriate as part of the delivery.

We regularly align ourselves with other organisations and schemes and are sometimes able to provide free mentoring services to organisations and/or inviduals unable to pay for commercial mentoring services. These relationships are fruitful and we have received countless excellent feedback.

Contact us today to discuss either Mentoring via a customised programme, individual basis or to discuss suitabililty to receive FREE mentoring.

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